Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mother's Day

An old article that I wrote in another blog. Just posting it here again.
‘Mother’s Day’ – ever noticed the unintentional pun? It is Mother’s day every day. The day belongs to her. The mere existence of the human race and the passage of time belong to her. But it’s a poignant irony that we’ve reduced it to a mere anniversary celebration. We are pretty much aware of the fact that it is a marketer’s invention. But still things go on. Special programmes on TV. Greeting cards. Ads. And lots more to remind us of somebody we know as the “mother”. Today's generation think that it’s another day to celebrate. It’s not their fault for their life began much after the media explosion. But no amount of media clout can monitor the level of the mother’s love inside everybody’s home. The so-called reality shows can just come inside our home bur not inside our heart.
Motherhood love. It’s universal. It’s chemical. It’s biological. It’s transcendental. It’s magic. It's everything, sssooo obviously. This motherhood love is also contagious that it is in every one of us. Sometimes the father mothers the child. Sometimes the brother takes care of the sister. She has genetically transferred the GOOD DNA. And this good dna is also helping mother earth stay alive.
Ok, lets play devil’s advocate - the hungry marketers might have actually done something good without their knowledge. With so much grief and combat around the planet, may be we need a break and actually commit to our memory that there’s somebody called the 'mother'. Today’s world needs such a reminder service. To take timeout form our demented work schedules. To actually come out of our perfunctory life and spend some time with our family.
So Happy Mother’s Day. 365 days a year.

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